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Sunday, October 21, 2007
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Thursday, October 18, 2007
7 Tips To Improve Your Blog Rank
Improve blog ranking and marketing is no longer kids stuff. Its beyond the sappy diary entries and angst fueled rants. Its serious business, especially if your goal is to make money blogging for your business. Blog marketing is more powerful than static site marketing mainly because of all the options Web 2.0 offers. Below are some things you can do to take advantage of what web 2.0 has to offer to increase blog traffic, links and engine ranking.
1. Tag youre it!
If you are not tagging your posts, start now. Tags make it easier for people to find your blog post, and video and photos that are related. You can write the most informative blog in your niche but if it can not be found it can not get read. Tag your posts.
2. Get exposed
Do you wonder how some large news and content sites deliver their headlines? Syndicate with RSS. While using the feed that comes with your blog may seem like an ok option, using a custom feed, that specifically separates keyword groups for content you develop frequently, is a far better option. Syndicating with RSS increases your exposure. Pheedpress, available from Content Desk is a great tool for this.
3. Forget me not
Social Bookmarking allows users to save and categorize a personal collection of bookmarks and share them with others. Users may also take bookmarks saved by others and add them to their own collection, as well as to subscribe to the lists of others.
Bookmarking is an easy way to improve blog ranking and get traffic; the more you do it the more youll be noticed. Ideally, your site should be bookmarked somewhere in all the major bookmarking engines. But having your entire site booked in just a few can greatly increase blog traffic.
4. Get involved
Much like the tip above, adding comments is a great way to sprinkle your links around. Note however, your comment must be informative and relate to the original post. Bloggers will grant your trackbacks when your comments are on topic and useful.
5. Digging for treasure
Digg.com and Digg-like sites take stories from users and post them on the site. Users then vote on them and decide which get dugg and which are buried. If you are dugg it can result in a flood of traffic.
6. Get connected
Social networks like Myspace can be found in virtually everywhere corner of the web. They are great places to meet like minded people and above all receive valuable links from.
Article syndication is still one of the most popular ways to get links. Well-written content that serves the reader first then your business will receive rewards. This is the type of content that is read, passed on, and linked to. Writing content gives you links as well as branding you as an authority figure in your niche.
Publishing on a blog platform gives you the opportunity to reach a greater quantity of people faster than a static site. Use the above tips to take full advantage of all the rewards blogging can have on your business and to be able to make money blogging.
By Jeff Casmer
1. Tag youre it!
If you are not tagging your posts, start now. Tags make it easier for people to find your blog post, and video and photos that are related. You can write the most informative blog in your niche but if it can not be found it can not get read. Tag your posts.
2. Get exposed
Do you wonder how some large news and content sites deliver their headlines? Syndicate with RSS. While using the feed that comes with your blog may seem like an ok option, using a custom feed, that specifically separates keyword groups for content you develop frequently, is a far better option. Syndicating with RSS increases your exposure. Pheedpress, available from Content Desk is a great tool for this.
3. Forget me not
Social Bookmarking allows users to save and categorize a personal collection of bookmarks and share them with others. Users may also take bookmarks saved by others and add them to their own collection, as well as to subscribe to the lists of others.
Bookmarking is an easy way to improve blog ranking and get traffic; the more you do it the more youll be noticed. Ideally, your site should be bookmarked somewhere in all the major bookmarking engines. But having your entire site booked in just a few can greatly increase blog traffic.
4. Get involved
Much like the tip above, adding comments is a great way to sprinkle your links around. Note however, your comment must be informative and relate to the original post. Bloggers will grant your trackbacks when your comments are on topic and useful.
5. Digging for treasure
Digg.com and Digg-like sites take stories from users and post them on the site. Users then vote on them and decide which get dugg and which are buried. If you are dugg it can result in a flood of traffic.
6. Get connected
Social networks like Myspace can be found in virtually everywhere corner of the web. They are great places to meet like minded people and above all receive valuable links from.
Article syndication is still one of the most popular ways to get links. Well-written content that serves the reader first then your business will receive rewards. This is the type of content that is read, passed on, and linked to. Writing content gives you links as well as branding you as an authority figure in your niche.
Publishing on a blog platform gives you the opportunity to reach a greater quantity of people faster than a static site. Use the above tips to take full advantage of all the rewards blogging can have on your business and to be able to make money blogging.
By Jeff Casmer
The Best Ways to Keep Your Employees Happy
A business becomes successful because it knows what types of priorities are the most important and how to put them there. The establishment of any kind of company can be an overwhelming task, but will ultimately grow and become successful if certain priorities are set in place at the very beginning. Of course, certain things such as business locations, the selection of certain products and services, and the amount of profit that will be made are extremely important to consider, the most important priority that business owners must remember is to take care of the people involved with the company.
The most crucial priority in any type of effective organization and what must be placed at the top of the important list is people. This crucial priority can be divided into two groups, the first being the customers that buy the products or services. The customer always comes first because they are the ones that make the company successful and that keep the company alive and running well.
By Court Tuttle
Companies cannot survive without the unwavering support and functions of it clients and customers. Several kinds of companies make sure that customers are at the top of their priority list through the use of quality customer service. Entire call centers and phone lines are dedicated to satisfying the needs and possible complaints of all the customers.
Business sometimes fail to recognize the other group that also makes it effective and successful. These people are the employees who work within the company itself. The employees are the second most important part of a company because they are the ones who keep the business up and running properly and effectively. Without their valuable time and work, the business would most certainly lose money and in the end fail miserably.
There is a completely different division that takes full responsibility for the rights and complaints of their workers, which is mostly known as the human resources department. This particular division of the company pays close attention to the pleasing and caretaking of all the employees. They deal primarily with making sure that the workers are being taken care of and are provided the equality and respect that they deserve.
Employees and corporate business leaders will always experiences differences in opinion and ideas, but there are a few things that can be done to soften these things.
An employee most importantly has the right and privilege to feel at home when he or she is at work. This can be accomplished by creating small social networks so that the employees can interact and mingle with one another. The social networks within a company will help the employees to make long lasting friendships with each other and provides added security to their staying within the company.
The second important idea to help avoid losing long time workers in the company is through the use of frank and honest communication. Most people honor and respect leaders who can talk openly and frankly with them. This is also how friendships are formed and prevent employees from leaving.
The most crucial priority in any type of effective organization and what must be placed at the top of the important list is people. This crucial priority can be divided into two groups, the first being the customers that buy the products or services. The customer always comes first because they are the ones that make the company successful and that keep the company alive and running well.
By Court Tuttle
Companies cannot survive without the unwavering support and functions of it clients and customers. Several kinds of companies make sure that customers are at the top of their priority list through the use of quality customer service. Entire call centers and phone lines are dedicated to satisfying the needs and possible complaints of all the customers.
Business sometimes fail to recognize the other group that also makes it effective and successful. These people are the employees who work within the company itself. The employees are the second most important part of a company because they are the ones who keep the business up and running properly and effectively. Without their valuable time and work, the business would most certainly lose money and in the end fail miserably.
There is a completely different division that takes full responsibility for the rights and complaints of their workers, which is mostly known as the human resources department. This particular division of the company pays close attention to the pleasing and caretaking of all the employees. They deal primarily with making sure that the workers are being taken care of and are provided the equality and respect that they deserve.
Employees and corporate business leaders will always experiences differences in opinion and ideas, but there are a few things that can be done to soften these things.
An employee most importantly has the right and privilege to feel at home when he or she is at work. This can be accomplished by creating small social networks so that the employees can interact and mingle with one another. The social networks within a company will help the employees to make long lasting friendships with each other and provides added security to their staying within the company.
The second important idea to help avoid losing long time workers in the company is through the use of frank and honest communication. Most people honor and respect leaders who can talk openly and frankly with them. This is also how friendships are formed and prevent employees from leaving.
5 Work At Home Business Start Up Steps
Before any planning it is useful to make one general question to yourself: why do you want to start a work at home business? Is it money, is it because your pal has started, is it that you believe that you can succeed in that or what? This motivator is useful and, please, be honest.
With the requirement above I try to conduct the thoughts into the business idea: what makes your work at home business unique and different? I see it very important that the planning is well done, before the first promotion will be in the air. Otherwise it is most obviously a 100 % money looser, or what is worst, the motivation looser too.
I have written this article to share my experiences as a proven marketer and a proven affiliate sponsor.
1.The Work At Home Business Is A Learning Process.
First, conduct your learning in the right way by picking the mentor, who has already shown that he can make a success. Why to invent a wheel again and pay for the errors, which you can avoid.
From the experienced marketer you will get the guidelines for the strategy: the target group, the programs or products you are selling, the qualifications of the merchants, the budget, the work amount you will do and the timing.
2. The Affiliate Programs Have Big Differences.
When you have made a short list of the work at home business programs, make a research of them. You will see, that you like some programs more than the other ones. The feelings are very important in the selection process. It is also important to make sure that a candidate program has enough respected, proven marketers as affiliates.
3. Make A Research Of The Candidate Programs.
Concentrate especially on the training lesson, the tool by which you must start the learning. Do you like it? Do you understand it? Are the topics clearly separated? Is it easy to follow? Can you use it as a working manual later? Is it up dated? How about other material? Do you like the banners, gateway pages, text ads etc. Is the home page easy to use, can you find out the issues easily?
4. You Need Around 20 Programs For A Decent Income.
When you start your own internet business, the plan must not be tied with one program. It must be general affiliate program marketing plan, because you will need at least 20 affiliate programs. A wide sortiment offers an effective service for the visitors and it is easier to skip a program if needed.
5. People In The Forum Are Your Team.
Being alone is the worst situation, despite of the fact that the nature of the work at home entrepreneurship is working alone. However the team is what gives you motivation and successful tips. And your team is built by people on the forum, who are also a good source of the business.You see, to write a work at home business marketing plan is quite simple. You just have to ask the right questions and follow the successful guys. Yes!
About The Author
Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing.
With the requirement above I try to conduct the thoughts into the business idea: what makes your work at home business unique and different? I see it very important that the planning is well done, before the first promotion will be in the air. Otherwise it is most obviously a 100 % money looser, or what is worst, the motivation looser too.
I have written this article to share my experiences as a proven marketer and a proven affiliate sponsor.
1.The Work At Home Business Is A Learning Process.
First, conduct your learning in the right way by picking the mentor, who has already shown that he can make a success. Why to invent a wheel again and pay for the errors, which you can avoid.
From the experienced marketer you will get the guidelines for the strategy: the target group, the programs or products you are selling, the qualifications of the merchants, the budget, the work amount you will do and the timing.
2. The Affiliate Programs Have Big Differences.
When you have made a short list of the work at home business programs, make a research of them. You will see, that you like some programs more than the other ones. The feelings are very important in the selection process. It is also important to make sure that a candidate program has enough respected, proven marketers as affiliates.
3. Make A Research Of The Candidate Programs.
Concentrate especially on the training lesson, the tool by which you must start the learning. Do you like it? Do you understand it? Are the topics clearly separated? Is it easy to follow? Can you use it as a working manual later? Is it up dated? How about other material? Do you like the banners, gateway pages, text ads etc. Is the home page easy to use, can you find out the issues easily?
4. You Need Around 20 Programs For A Decent Income.
When you start your own internet business, the plan must not be tied with one program. It must be general affiliate program marketing plan, because you will need at least 20 affiliate programs. A wide sortiment offers an effective service for the visitors and it is easier to skip a program if needed.
5. People In The Forum Are Your Team.
Being alone is the worst situation, despite of the fact that the nature of the work at home entrepreneurship is working alone. However the team is what gives you motivation and successful tips. And your team is built by people on the forum, who are also a good source of the business.You see, to write a work at home business marketing plan is quite simple. You just have to ask the right questions and follow the successful guys. Yes!
About The Author
Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing.
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